I'm Valissa with Benalla RAR and we're looking for people in Indi to host a conversation.
Using resources developed by the ASRC, conversations are welcoming spaces where your guests can learn from each other, reflect on their values and form their own opinion about the Government’s process. This is the really exciting part--many shift their attitudes towards fairer policies by the end of the conversation!
Survey data from the conversation will be used to support the advocacy we're doing to ensure Cathy continues to agitate within the Parliament on this issue on our behalf. There couldn’t be a more critical time to put forward a compelling case for change by hosting a conversation.
Hosting involves inviting about four or five friends who are open to learning more about the asylum process over to your place or a local meeting place for about a one-hour chat. Once you've signed up below I’ll be in touch to give you more information and organise your facilitator, who will run your conversation and bring everything else that is needed. Look forward to speaking soon!