Call a Senator

Ten years after our government forced them to brutal overseas detention camps, dozens of people who came for safety are still trapped in Papua New Guinea.

Click here to call a government Senator now. Ask them to contact Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil, who has the power to evacuate the last refugees trapped in PNG, so they can rebuild their lives here or in another safe country.

Here are some talking points to guide your call:

  • My name is [NAME]. I live in [SUBURB/TOWN].
  • I'm calling to ask Senator [NAME] to advocate to bring the refugees trapped in Papua New Guinea to safety.
  • There are still around 75 people trapped in PNG, mostly in Port Moresby.
  • Our government forced them to a brutal offshore detention camp a decade ago.
  • Most are suffering from acute physical and mental health conditions.
  • Our government has a clear moral responsibility for the health and safety of the refugees still trapped in PNG.
  • I am aware that last government entered a secret “funding arrangement” with PNG in December 2021. This again demonstrates that a duty of care exists.
  • I know that Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil has the power to bring the refugees to safety.
  • Will Senator [NAME] contact Minister O'Neil on my behalf?

Remember, it's best to use your own, polite words.