Call Senator Bridget McKenzie
1300 889 103
Call Senator Jane Hume
(03) 9428 1773
Key messages:
- Medevac works because Doctors prioritise medical care for sick people, free of political interference
- Before Medevac, at least two people died directly because of this government's medical neglect and delay of doctors requests for transfers for political reasons.
- Since Medevac no one has died from medical neglect offshore
Here's how to call:
1. Prepare what you want to say
A clear message that, as a Victorian, you want the Senators to vote against Minister Dutton's Medevac repeal legislation when it is introduced.
Your personal story of why you support doctors to be able to provide critical medical care to people seeking asylum and refugees held offshore through the Medevac process, without political interference.
2. Dial the number
- When staff answer, say you want to leave an important message for the Senator.
State your message.
- Be polite.
- Leave your full name and post code.
- If you can't get through, try calling again. If you get the answering machine, leave a message and try calling again later.
NB: Every call you attempt is important, even if you don't get through.
Add your call to the tally
Please tell us you've called your Senators by filling out and submitting the form, so we can demonstrate the groundswell of calls our community are making!
3. Spread the word
Post the Senator's office response on social media, tag them, use hash tag #SaveMedevac and link and ask more people to call.
Thank you for taking action to prevent more lives being lost to medical neglect.
Together we will win a permanent, safe home for men, women and children seeking asylum.