Calling Party - End the Secrecy on Nauru

Join us via Zoom on Friday 3rd March at 1pm - 2pm AEDT to make phone calls to insist that this government evacuate the remaining refugees from PNG & Nauru to Australia, while their permanent resettlement options are finalised.

With the Inquiry into the Bill due to report next week, please join our Calling Party on Friday at 1pm AEDT, timed to maximise our collective impact and to convince MPs to support the Bill.

"I am very happy to be here in support of the Bill to evacuate people from PNG and Nauru now. I hope all politicians will support this Bill. A Bill that will result in real action. That’s what we are calling for."
- Behrouz Boochani

Calling parties are a fun, easy way to take action together, by making impactful phone calls to politicians with the power to make a difference.

Our hour-long, lunch time action will start with a briefing on the current state of play and some tips for making powerful, effective phone calls to make the politicians sit up and listen.

We will then spend around 30 minutes calling our local MPs, government Ministers and other politicians, to advocate for support for the Greens' private members bill that would allow roughly 150 people who are still in Nauru and PNG to temporarily live in the community in Australia until they are resettled to a third country. After making our calls, we'll come back together to debrief and celebrate what we've achieved together.

RSVP now to receive the Zoom link by e-mail.